AKKN in a nutshell
The Abraham Kriel Children’s Home is a non-profit organisation with 15 houses where children and young people who can’t live with their own families are housed with professional staff to attend to them. Children are referred to the children’s home by order of the children’s court. In addition to providing food, shelter and space for play and leisure in a caring environment, we create a home environment for children to grow and develop.
We respect our children as individuals, and provide for their religious and cultural needs, encouraging them to keep their sense of personal identity and community. We love, help and care for our children today!
Activities for our children
Our children participate in indoor games and activities like choirs, revues, music lessons, modelling and dancing. Outdoor activities include opportunities to participate in sports such as netball, rugby, swimming and volley ball.
We started behaviour management and leadership programmes to encourage positive behaviour in our children which is rewarded with an outing once a month.
Therapeutic needs
All the children in our care have suffered trauma due to physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse, violence at home, death of one or both parents, poverty, alcohol or drug abuse and insufficient or absent parental skills. To deal with the children’s distress arising from these events, we offer the following professional services:
- Individual and group therapy
- Psychological assessment and therapy
- Pastoral counselling
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Special schools
Medical care
We have a clinic providing basic health care for our children. There they receive care for small injuries and each child gets a full medical examination per year. A resident nurse also accompanies children to specialised medical care facilities. We offer the following professional services:
- Administer medicine
- Care for wounds or injuries
- Monitor health conditions