May 29, 2023
We need toiletries
We are in constant need of toiletries as we issue them monthly to take proper care of our children physically.
November 20, 2021
Thank you, Lottoland!
On November 26, we, opened our new coffee shop. Feel free to follow the link to read the full post.
November 8, 2021
Lumen Festival of Lights
On December 4, we switch on our Christmas lights. The community can then come and look at our lights every night and an entrance fee of R10 is payable. The coffee shop will be…
August 1, 2021
Teeth week
We are privileged that dr. Pinheiro and her team do a free evaluation of the children's teeth every year. After that, 10 children are identified to whose teeth free repairs are…
May 8, 2021
National Children’s Week
National Children's Week was celebrated and the theme of the event was: "Let us all protect our children during Covid-19 and beyond".